Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rape Culture: The Goose That Lays the Golden Egg

I think that it’s worth noting the American and European propensity to achieve great things while under duress, with the two most notable examples that spring to mind being the Space Race and American manufacturing capabilities during WWII.  What it illustrates is the power of the Western mind to quickly identify problems and introduce powerful, effective solutions.  But, why do we suck so much at civil rights?  At least, I’m told that we suck.  Rape culture, racism, ableism, fatism (lol) are all alive and well in this country, despite the tireless efforts of altruistic activists dedicating their lives to rectifying this problem.

Social justice warriors (SJWS) are quick to condemn the continued existence of the variety of evil -isms that are still promulgated by a sick culture.  I mean, it’s 2014 folks.  How have we not progressed beyond this?  Wrong side of history, wow just wow.

I want to play their game.  Rape culture exists and it’s evil.  The wimmenz need to be protected from rape.  Teach men not to rape, etc.   If you’re reading this, you know the rhetoric.  Since rape culture exists, and women have been gunning for the right to vote since the late 1800s so they could ban alcohol… we can safely say that women’s suffrage has been going on for over 9,000 years.  Yet, they are still not equal, and all that.


To use a neo-reactionary term, it’s the Cathedral--the hydra that is media, academia and government, moving in the same, egalitarian, totalitarian direction.  

A conspiratorial mind would think that there was some elite working together, seeking to deconstruct Western civilization, but the truth is far more banal--the system benefits from rape culture.

I’m sorry, SJWs.  You’ve been had.  I’m talking about rape culture but it really applies to all of your little causes.  Do you know why these problems never seem to actually go away?  I mean, how is it that you are still fighting sexism?  Your great, great, great, grand aunt (cuz activists become spinster cat ladies, as per Deschain’s Law) was fighting sexism.  How is it that you’ve now taken up the cause?  Either you people really suck at being an activists, or there’s something else going on.

That something else is the Cathedral.  It doesn’t actually want to eradicate rape culture.  It wants you to fight ineffectually against rape culture, because it is that very fight that justifies its continued existence (and steady influx of capital).

Lemme break it down, hammer time.

 Okay, so you saw the UVA rape story, right?  Who hasn’t!  Rolling Stone did a big piece on a brutal, shocking, sexy(did I really write that?) rape story that involved a nubile college girl and three big, bad frat boys.  It even involved a beer bottle....   So, the feminists LOVE this kind of thing.  It lets them feel outraged and gives them something to hate.  Take it from me, media sells emotion, and people are buying.  This isn’t about activist journalism, it’s about selling a story.  Feminists want it, but on a darker note, so do normal people.  Women fantasize about rape all the time, according to a study that I’m not going to cite.  They read it and were titillated.  And men?  Well...bukkake exists for a reason.   

That was rape culture right there, a hideous, sticky, bloody example of it.  Even if it was fake.  It was also big dollars, although there’s a bit of backlash.  A lot of stories are like that.  They appeal to feminists for SJW reasons, and to normal people for sexy times.

Did you know that 99% of PhDs are working as baristas?  And that the other 1% are desperately trying to prove that their research isn’t irrelevant?  This is especially true of sociologists, who are the real winners of the game.  They created an entire therapeutic state just to justify their existence!   Anyway, raising awareness about things like rape culture is incredibly important.  Now that I know it exists (like breast cancer) I will neither rape nor get breast cancer.  Yeah, that’s kind of facetious but the point is that most PhDs, besides needing a reason to do what they do, are very activist-y types.  If these problems were solved, they’d be out of a job. What do you do with a degree in women’s studies when women are as successful as hetero cis scum?  Yeah, not much.  Although, I hear that there’s a Starbucks hiring…

 This is really the big one.  It’s a Fox News talking point that the role of government should be limited to protecting the borders, maintaining law and order, and in charge of national security, and start another Cold War with Russia.  Yeah, that’s cool.  Much rational.  Very social contract.  So mature.  But it’s a government talking point that the role of government is to find ways to justify itself (much like academia… I wonder why so many universities are state funded)  and to increase its power.  Really, the justifying itself isn’t that hard.  Neither is increasing its power.  But naked power grabs are out of fashion.  We prefer soft despotism to old school power plays like Game of Thrones.

Earlier I mentioned the therapeutic state.   That’s what this is--soft despotism.  What we have is a government that finds ways to wriggle its way (Hentai-like) into the soft, warm flesh of society.  Whenever you hear about something like rape culture “There oughtta be a law!”  then you have to think how will government solve this problem?  Well, it can’t solve it if it doesn’t have the power to do so.  But well, there’s a transition from power to fix the problem to actually fixing the problem.  There’s a leap there that never gets taken.  Because the power is really what it wanted, and that’s what it got.  And the SJWs got to feel like they enacted change.

So there it is, dear SJW feminists.  There were really only two reasons why you’re still fighting the good fight.  Either you suck (scissoring more likely) or the tools you are using to fix the problems are actually using you.  Oh, and there’s a third option.  None of these things you are working so hard to fix really exist or matter.  The problem’s isn’t society; it’s you.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Neo-Reaction in Action

A wise man once said that conviction without action is the death of the soul.  History is awash with philosophers and historians who’ve dedicated their lives to a world of mind.  It’s easy to study and write about the past, but far more difficult to actually create it.  That brings us to the problem of neo-reactionary thought.

The neo-reactionary movement has rightly recognized the reason for the decline of the West, namely that political power has moved from an extremely hierarchical one (a king ruling by divine right) to ever more diffuse incarnations, manifesting itself now in mob rule--euphemistically referred to as--democracy.  

But my intent is not to expound upon the weakness of democracy, nor the leveling of society that is inherent with rule by the lumpenprole.  Not now.  Others have done so and I fear that I would be simply retreading old ground.  There’s something more important at stake.

Neo-reaction and the surrounding body of thought is undeniably in its infancy.  It’s rapidly growing, and moving in diverse (and conflicting) directions.  There are libertarian nationalists, monarchists, neo-cameralists, race realists, and all different types of -ists who are certain they have the solution.  In other words, plenty of thinkers and few doers.

But doing is hard.  One of the main problems is that neo-reaction is by necessity aimed at a very small base.  It requires proficiency in economics, human relations, history, philosophy, and a drive to read obscure and meandering writers.  For God’s sake, our father is Moldbug, and he’s nothing if not garrulous.  

That’s just half the problem, though.  Small numbers isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but the idea of enlisting the masses and gaining popular support is.  Gain the support of John Q Public institute a hierarchical government that will then disenfranchise said John Q Public.  Granted, it happened in Russia and China so it’s not entirely unprecedented, but it is paradoxical.

You don’t establish a patriarchal, hierarchical government through consensus.  The idea is simply illogical.  Maybe it would be tempting to follow the communist agitators of the past, as was done in the eastern bloc countries, or even the Nazi beer hall meetings.  Some of you may even idolize the fascist dictators of yesterday, but you are misguided.  As per Moldbug, democracy, communism, and fascism are siblings, rooted in populism.  

Yet, it feels as though populism is the only answer.  We can never be successful as an isolated internet community lamenting the decline.  Yet, is not to mobilize inherently populist?   Maybe the answer is to create a movement, and structure is as we want our society structured, with a corporate king (would he be appointed, how is that even logical?) heading the movement, and an officer aristocracy working to carry out his vision.

This is sounding more and more like a cult.  Maybe there’s a better solution.  The Republic wasn’t so bad; can it be saved?